Donations to Mulimuli can be made through our partner organisation called “The Spring Project”.

The Spring Project is a Swiss Association that provides support for project initiators all around the world who want to change the world for the better but may not be lucky enough to have the needed financial and/or management capacity to make their game-changing ideas come true.

When you donate please add “Mulimuli” as a remark. Asanteni sana!

Account details:
The Spring Project
Riedweg 6
CH-5707 Seengen
Bank: Postfinance

IBAN for donations in USD: CH91 0900 0000 1519 7034 8
IBAN for donations in Swiss Francs: CH41 0900 0000 1505 1780 0
IBAN for donations in Euro: CH46 0900 0000 1519 5680 2